Hand Therapy Treatment and Education Center, LLP

Occupational Therapy located in Brunswick, ME

doctor checking patient hands

About Hand Therapy Treatment and Education Center, LLP

Hand Therapy Treatment and Education Center, LLP, in Brunswick, Maine, increases access to occupational hand therapy for patients throughout the state. Specialist Mary Woodbury, OTR/L, CHT, evaluates and rehabilitates a wide variety of upper extremity injuries and complications that limit patients’ functional abilities.

Mary has over 30 years of clinical experience as a hand therapist and holds an advanced designation as a certified hand therapist. She has served patients across the country throughout her lengthy career.

Hand Therapy Treatment and Education Center, LLP, routinely rehabilitates many common upper extremity injuries, including lacerations, tendinitis, burns, sprains, fractures, and arthritis. Mary also specializes in rehabilitating traumatic injuries that lead to amputation and training patients to function with prosthetics.

In addition to providing personalized hand therapy and patient rehabilitation, Hand Therapy Treatment and Education Center, LLP, is a teaching clinic. The practice trains students and professionals in the foundations of occupational therapy, including self-care awareness, treatments that use physical agents, and custom splinting.

Patients can schedule with Mary by calling Hand Therapy Treatment and Education Center, LLP, or using the convenient online scheduling button.

More About Our Team
Mary Woodbury, OTR/L, CHT
Mary has 30 years clinical experience as a hand therapist providing specialized hand therapy treatment of the hand and upper extremities, including shoulders and neck; her clinical skills are superior. She holds an advanced designation as a Certified Hand Therapist, CHT. Mary’s experience includes treating hand injuries and conditions found throughout metropolitan areas such as Kansas City, Missouri and Washington, DC, to hand conditions and injuries encountered throughout a rural state like Maine. Most of Mary’s years in practice have been in the Mid Coast, and Western, and Central Maine Regions of Maine.
Brian Woodbury
 Brian has a business degree in accounting, and an MBA. Brian's strengths are policy development, strategic planning, original problem solving, and managing knowledge. He has worked for Central Maine Power Company as a property tax agent. He has been a headquarters level director for the Department of State, Department of Defense, and the Department of Interior.

Brian’s background in strategic planning is being utilized to develop targeted methods for transferring the knowledge of a CHT to the public. He draws upon a business background in contracting, legal, negotiations, project management internationally and sales.